Who needs a Dining Room, I need a place for my Bike!

The other day I was talking about how cool it would be to have my motorcycle in my living room. It reminded me that in Japan they actually have apartments that do this, or close to it.



I read about all this coolness here a few years ago.

Apparently this is a popular idea because a few years later this became a big deal.

Tight U turns only.

Tight U turns only.


I think this is pretty damn cool and would love to live in a place like this. Too bad the riding in Japan… is probably not so awesome.

About MotoCynic

I started riding motorcycles in 2006, and there is no going back. I rode more than 100,000 miles on a Ducati Monster, and now I'm putting miles on my Hyperstrada.
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2 Responses to Who needs a Dining Room, I need a place for my Bike!

  1. I know of two people that keep their Cycles in their living room and they both have driveways….

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