Cold? I’m Weak and I Know It

There are so many things I love about the Fall, the Holidays, the changing of the leaves (even here in NorCal) and the shortening days. It is a time of year that I’ve enjoyed since I was a kid. This all comes with a downside, I’ve talked about this a lot, and every fall it surprises me and literally sucks the air out of my lungs. It get’s cold, and the magic number is 50 F.

So this week was the week, it dropped below 50 and I was really glad for the extra layer and thicker gloves.

Which is kind of funny when you think about it. All I do when it get’s cold it put on a long sleeve shirt and wear my warmer gloves. Of course it does make a difference. Just keeping those fingers a bit warmer for a little longer can make all the difference.

I have no idea how I’ll survive once it goes below 40…

This is how I felt after that ride in to work.

This is how I felt after that ride in to work.

About MotoCynic

I started riding motorcycles in 2006, and there is no going back. I rode more than 100,000 miles on a Ducati Monster, and now I'm putting miles on my Hyperstrada.
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5 Responses to Cold? I’m Weak and I Know It

  1. bikermissus says:

    Heated grips are amazing on chilly days. It’s great to be able to ride in cooler temps and still feel your hands 🙂

  2. motoventures says:

    Plus 1 on what bikermissus said! I love my heated grips!

    Here in Colorado (low humidity) I have ridden down to 27F before and was actually comfortable in my layers and with the grips on. Don’t get me wrong, I would love warmer weather, but I have never regretted getting on the bike even when it’s cold.

  3. Below 55, the neck-gaiter comes out (no if, ands, or buts); below 45 the thermals go on. I’m getting lazier the longer I ride, sometimes I’ll turn the heated grips on around 55 and wear thin gloves… just because. I did break down and buy heated gloves this winter… we’ll see how that goes.

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